March 27, 2025

GGG-Martirosyan: Vanes Martirosyan’s Post-Fight Press Conference

Vanes Martirosyan’s talks about his knockout loss to Gennady Golovkin.

Vanes Martirosyan appears at the post-fight presser to talk about getting blitzed by Golovkin in two rounds. Check out some excepts from the presser below…

Martirosyan on his thoughts on the fight:

“Well they just told me that I’m the hardest puncher that had landed a punch, that he felt it. You know, in defeat you know, as fighters we fight. It’s just one-on-one. It’s not like a basketball team, you get an off-day you can substitute another player. It just wasn’t my night and man, Gennady’s a helluva puncher. Every punch was the same power and that surprised me.

“But what surprised me the most was his — I thought he would come more forward, you know, pump the jab and I was waiting for something else and he showed up completely different fighter.

On if he feels this fight would’ve been different had he not been coming off a two year layoff:

“I think so. I think it would’ve been better — my ring rust, my timing was off as you see when I was trying to land the right hand…We only had two weeks. We were in good shape to go 12 rounds but the timing just wasn’t there…Being a fighter you gotta stay active and, you know, the two years really did affect me.”

On if he would’ve fought Golovkin differently knowing what he knows now:

“A little bit [laughs]. I’d try to box him a little bit more. The thing is, like I said, you know, going into this fight I wanted to see what this man had. And I said if he gets me I’ll respect him. You know, I’m a fighter and if you ask me to fight him right now again, I’ll fight him again…”

On what he would say to the next Golovkin challenger, perhaps Canelo:

“Canelo has a lot to prove. I see why he’s eating that kind of meat…The man is the real deal…I’ve faced a lot of fighters in the gym, I’ve actually sparred with heavyweights, cruiserweights — every single power he landed, every single shot was the same power and that kinda got me…I went inside to brawl with the guy and he got me good. Good for him.

On what he would tell Canelo about rematching Golovkin:

“Just…Run! [laughs]. Run buddy, run.

“…Canelo ran from Gennady [in their first fight]. I think if Canelo stayed in front of Gennady he would get knocked out cold.

“[Golovkin] hits like a train. Every single punch is like a train. I mean you can’t stop the guy, he’s a machine and he’s just really good.”

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