January 14, 2025


ahued d

By WBCboxing.com

An array of the World Boxing Council’s greatest champions lightly breakfasted with former Mexico City Health Secretary Dr Armando Ahued, who’s now thrown his hat and stethoscope into the ring for the contest to become Mayor.

No fry up! Rather fruit juice, a fruit platter instead of grease, batter or even fatter.  In spite of the chilly seasonal weather, the good Doctor rolled up his shirt sleeves,  advising  about the benefits of boxing training programs that he and current Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera organized with the WBC. They also helped to arrange medical insurance for boxers, their families, trainers and others.  These plus other exercise initiatives are vital, as Mexico is in the grip of an obesity and diabetes crisis.

Dr Ahued who’s the Party of Democratic Revolution pre Candidate,  has a healthy record.  Thirty five years as a public servant, nineteen of them in Mexico City and a decade as its health Secretary.

Some of the toughest fighters who seldom flinch, visibly winced, some with tears in their eyes, as he urged every man over forty years old to get their prostrate tested,  urging that 96 percent of cases can be treated and cured IF detected early, warning that no one wants to have a prostrate the size of a mandarin orange!  Similar advice for women to take free tests to save them from the ravages of  breast cancer.  Again, early detections saves lives!

Dr “A” who declares himself proudly Chilango, pledges he has the diagnosis for Mexico City.

The assembled, who patiently listened to a rather too drawn out speech, which lasted almost as long as an operation,  included: Pipino Cuevas, Carlos Zarate, Lupe Pintor, Rafael Herrera, Chiquita Gonzalez, Rafael Marquez, Jose Luis Bueno, Isaac “Tortas” Bustos,  Cesar Bazan, Francisco Vargas, Lupita Martinez,  Ibeth “Roca” Zamora,  Alejandra “Tigre” Jimenez,  Ganigan Lopez,  Eduardo “Rocky” Hernandez,  Jessie Vargas, Edgar “Power” Jimenez and Ana “La Bronca” Arrazola.

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