March 15, 2025

Geje Eustaquio’s Top 3 Ways to Stay Fit


Exercise is one of the most important components of a well-balanced diet. Regardless of whether or not abs are truly made in the kitchen and not in the gym, you can only gain fitness from putting in the work.

For Geje “Gravity” Eustaquio of Baguio City’s famed Team Lakay, a combination of martial arts training and a trip to the sauna is all that’s needed to stay in shape and lose unwanted pounds, as well as hitting the road in one of the most accessible workouts known to man.

“It’s all about consciously trying to make an effort day in and day out,” said Eustaquio. “If you’re going to sit around all day, expect to see ‘sit around all day’ results.”

The Filipino flyweight standout says hard work and dedication are the only paths to success when trying to get fit, and there are no shortcuts.

Running Is For Everyone

While some people dread the thought of running, Eustaquio says its probably the easiest and fastest way to lose unwanted weight and build endurance. Just three days of running will already elevate your fitness level, according to the flyweight contender.

All you need is the dedication and the discipline to make an effort to hit the open road on a daily basis. Or if you don’t want to go out and have a treadmill nearby, that will work too.

“Running is the most accessible workout we know. It has no age, weight, or gender restrictions. Anybody can do it, and it doesn’t cost much to get into,” said Eustaquio.

“All you need is a good pair of running shoes, something to keep your ankles safe from the impact, and you’re good to go.”

Just 30 minutes of running every day can make a world of difference. Team Lakay warriors are well-known for their incredible gas tanks, and it was all borne of those famed mountain runs.

Sweat Out Those Toxins

This one’s a little off the beaten path. Eustaquio says there’s a way to burn fat and lose weight just by sitting down and doing nothing – in a sauna.

“The extreme heat forces your body to make adjustments over a period of time, thus burning calories in the process. It will help you shed excess weight due to water retention, and it melts away the fats,” said Eustaquio.

There is some truth to this. Contrary to popular belief that it’s all just water weight, sweating does indeed burn fat. This is because human sweat consists not just of water alone, but also of oil and sodium. The oil in our bodies come from fat deposits, while the sodium is what causes excess water retention.

Who knew sitting down in peace could be so beneficial to our health?

“Everybody is welcome in a sauna. All you do is just sit there and endure the heat,” said Eustaquio. “It’s probably the easiest thing you can do to lose some weight. And more than that, it relaxes your muscles after a long workout.”

Martial Arts

It’s hard for people to muster enough motivation to go to the gym every day, climb on that treadmill, and hit the machines. Eustaquio’s advice? Find something that you enjoy doing.

Martial arts, he says, is probably the most engrossing workout you can get yourself into.

“It just throws you right in there. It’s not just a physical experience, buta learning experience where you can get to understand the science of martial arts,” said Eustaquio.

Eustaquio has trained in martial arts his entire life. He says it is what has kept him in shape, even before his days as a ONE Championship contender.

“You don’t have to be an expert or you don’t have to want to be an athlete to start,” Eustaquio stressed.

“If you want to just get fit and improve your health, then martial arts training is a great way to remain interested in an exercise routine over a long period of time, because it’s so engaging.”

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