March 14, 2025

Jose Aldo gets respectfully called out by Renato Moicano on social media

Renato Moicano is no longer under the radar. After spending his first four professional years in Jungle Fight, the UFC decided to sign him. His third bout under the Zuffa umbrella saw him win a decision over the surging Jeremy Stephens. Then he slugged it out with the division’s top contender in Brian Ortega, losing a very competitive, and fairly close fight until getting caught in a choke.

Since then he’s picked up two definitive wins: one over Calvin Kattar and the other this past month over Cub Swanson at UFC 227.

The only logical place is onward and upward, so naturally he made a respectful please to fight Jose Aldo — himself fresh off punching a hole through Stephens’ abdomen.

Renato Moicano@moicanoufc

Só há uma luta que faz sentido enquanto esperamos Max vs. Ortega.
Moicano vs. Aldo para determinar quem lutara pelo título. Você é uma lenda @josealdojunior, mas agora é a MINHA
VEZ!!!!…Estou pronto!!! @danawhite @seanshelby @UFCBrasil @canalCombate @ConanSilveira

Renato Moicano@moicanoufc

There’s only one fight that makes sense while we wait Max vs.Ortega.
Moicano vs. Aldo to determine who will fight for the title. You’re a legend @josealdojunior, but it’s my TIME!!!… I’m ready!!! @danawhite @seanshelby @ufc @MMAFighting @MMAjunkie @ConanSilveira @Alexdavismma

With Max Holloway vs. Brian Ortega presumably on the horizon, Moicano vs. Aldo makes a lot of sense.

Stylistically, I love this fight. Moicano is a rangy, aggressive striker who would likely be the favorite given Aldo’s modest decline. I don’t know that I want to actually see it though. I suppose you can’t offer Aldo easy bouts at this point given his status, but I’d like to see Aldo in bouts that are stylistically less stressful in his aging body.

Still, I wouldn’t exactly look away.

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