March 16, 2025

Keeping track: Menayothin vs. Taduran


Tomorrow in the province of Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, World Boxing Council minimumweight  champion Wanheng Menayothin (50-0, 18 KOs), defends his crown for the tenth time, simultaneously trying to surpass Floyd Mayweather`s 50-0 record, with which he`s already tied.

The contender is rugged, tough Filipino Pedro Taduran, who has a record of 12 wins with 9 knockouts and one defeat. He is ranked number 14 on the World Boxing Council ratings and is the currently National champion of the Philippines.

As part of the WBC safety standards, both fighters have successfully submitted their 30- and 7-day pre-weigh ins, plus the medical examinations requested.
We greatly appreciate the dedicated and expert work of William Boodhoo, who is responsible for timely follow-ups, for the sake of the boxers and Boxing.

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