March 27, 2025

Manny Pacquiao’s New Year’s Resolution A Thinly Veiled Dig At Floyd Mayweather

James Slater

It’s that time of year again, when people everywhere are busy making New Year’s resolutions (ones that by and large will not be kept). Superstar Manny Pacquiao has made one and it’s a thinly veiled, not too subtle dig at fellow megastar Floyd Mayweather. Like many of us, Pac-Man was quite appalled at the gross mismatch Mayweather engaged in yesterday in Tokyo, Japan, when the 50-0 great destroyed a woefully over-matched, he-could-have-been-badly-hurt Tenshin Nasukawa inside a single round in that bizarre exhibition bout.

It really was man Vs. boy, with 41 year old Mayweather doing as he pleased against his 20 year old opponent. Pacquiao feels fighters should pick on guys their own size.

“Here is a New Year’s resolution. To continue to fight only experienced opponents who are my size or bigger,” Pacquiao wrote on social media.

Pacquiao is of course in training for his January 19th fight with Adrien Broner, an interesting fight that Manny hopes will lead to bigger fights down the road in 2019. One of the big fights Pacquiao wants is a return with Mayweather. But Floyd – who many fans are calling “G.B.E, as in Greatest Businessman Ever (he was paid a staggering $9 million for the Nasukawa farce) – stated in Japan how he is “still retired,” that he only took part in the exhibition bout to provide entertainment.

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“I’m still retired,” Floyd said. “I don’t look forward to coming back to boxing. I just did it it entertain fans in Japan.”

But who knows what Mayweather’s plans really are. With his absolute love of money, it’s a good bet Floyd will appear in a ring again before too long. Whether it’s for a real fight or another farce is anyone’s guess. Right now you will be hard pressed to find a single fan or boxing expert who either enjoyed watching or has anything other than contempt for what transpired in Tokyo yesterday. Floyd really did make the easiest payday of his entire career. And he did it at the expense of the fans he suggested he returned to entertain.

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