March 28, 2025

Mayweather vs. McGregor: Did the Circus end?

By Gerardo Granados: Tonight we all witnessed a heinous mismatch between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Conor McGregor. It might have occurred due naïve sports fans, casuals who believe anything majors sports media sells as a great fight and due the fervent MMA fight fans who believed that this was a legit fight. Hey even the special belt build by the WBC is clear on what this bout was all about.

As we all could see something strange happened when Floyd Mayweather chose to be too inactive, he didn’t move his head and upper body as usual, he stayed in front of Connor and practically didn’t use his footwork or go to the body during the fight. Hey when was the last time you saw Floyd walk down a much bigger man inside the ring?

The referee allowed all kind of fouls from both fighters, but it was evident that Conor couldn’t avoid reacting as he always does inside the octagon.

McGregor looked gassed since the 7th round, he was painfully slow, flat footed and even that through all the fight he kept on dropping his left hand but Floyd seemed not interested to capitalize on it and on all the big holes in Conor weak defense. I wonder if Money carried Conor through the fight.

Please don’t get me wrong; Conor is brave but he was there because of the unprecedented payday he received. I am not going to lie I do believe that Floyd carried him into the late rounds and the reader might agree with me on this. Look at Floyd´s face at the end of the fight and tell me if he looked like if he had been in a fight or just in a sparring session?

Can you imagine what would´ve happen if Conor had faced Gennady Golovkin, Daniel Jacobs or Jermell Charlo instead of Mayweather? Even if I am a blood thirsty fight fan I hate to see mismatches inside the ring.

Ladies and Gentlemen this was a money grab fight that conned many naïve fight fans off $100.00 notes and I must add that this isn’t the first time that this occurs and for sure it might not be the last. This circus exhibition bout was sold by the major sports media puppets as a legit fight and probably there will be another one in the future. So as the old say goes “fool me once shame on…”

I have no doubt that the two fight disciplines are great, both boxing and the MMA are very useful to protect yourself in a fight. Right now, Pro Boxing still is the A side in combat sports all around the world, Muay Thai included. But that doesn’t mean that a MMA fighter cannot beat a boxer inside the octagon.

To respect both disciplines a fighter who switches from one to another fighting discipline better take the time to learn the craft an acquire experience to succeed. I think that this fight was a farce and this type of circus better not repeat itself in the future.

I am not certain if this was the last circus or if it will repeat itself. Maybe after the PPV numbers are announced then it could be evident. But what about the reader, do you think that the circus really ended today?

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