Ostarine, the prohibited substance
Known as MK-2866, GTx-024, or enobosarm, ostarine is considered an MRSA, or selective androgen receptor modulator that was developed in the mid-2000s to help fight some diseases, such as the wasting of bones and muscles, as well as hormonal problems.
However, it is not yet an approved drug, and studies of its effects are still under research. Yet, Ostarine is used by many athletes to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and increase strength and bone density.
Unfortunately, the use of this substance has become one of the most frequent anabolic agents reported in sports drug tests. Due to ostarine and other MRSA’s have become popular as active ingredients in dietary supplements by unscrupulous companies that sell this drug as a “completely legal” substance. But this is a lie, since to this day no MRSA is considered a legal supplement ingredient, nor has it been approved for human consumption.
It`s essential NOT TO BE DECEIVED, the SARM’s are ILLEGAL ingredients of dietary supplements and their inclusion in a product would be considered the sale of an unapproved medicine that can seriously affect health.
Among the effects of its use there are:
– Acne and various skin problems
– Hair loss
– Vision disturbances
– They increase the risk of suffering various types of cancer.
Remember that your body is your responsibility! And that as an athlete you have an OBLIGATION to know what you are putting into your body.
Do not forget that VADA has set up for you, a very simple way to consult drug-free supplements by entering https://dfsaxis.com using the access code vada12 to be able to set up a free account.
Before using any supplement, ask yourself how safe is it? Don`t leave your health to someone else and please, do not miss watching this sobering video:
If you want to know the list of substances prohibited by the VADA Voluntary Anti-Doping Association, go to: https://wbcboxing.com/lista-de-sustancias-prohibidas-por-la-asociacion-antidopaje-voluntaria-vada/
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