March 21, 2025

They said what?! Pros react to Clay Guida’s decision win over BJ Penn at UFC 237

By Lucas Rezende@rezenluc

In a pure stand-up battle of lightweight veterans, Clay Guida bested former UFC champion BJ Penn via unanimous decision after three rounds at UFC 237, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Penn still hasn’t won a fight since Matt Hughes in November of 2010. On Twitter, pro fighters reacted with mixed feelings to the fight.

Nick Newell@NotoriousNewell

Just hope this isn’t sad128:04 AM – May 12, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Nick Newell’s other Tweets

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The Mane Event™✔@EliasTheodorou

Getting myself mentally prepared for the BJ/Guida fight. #UFC237568:07 AM – May 12, 2019See The Mane Event™’s other TweetsTwitter Ads info and privacy

Brian Kelleher✔@brianboom135

Please bj penn surprise us all !228:11 AM – May 12, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Brian Kelleher’s other Tweets

Eryk Anders✔@erykanders

Let’s go @bjpenndotcom238:12 AM – May 12, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Eryk Anders’s other Tweets

The Diamond✔@DustinPoirier

Penn is showing good speed and timing he can still box!#UFC2375018:18 AM – May 12, 2019 · Broussard, LATwitter Ads info and privacy77 people are talking about this

Brian Kelleher✔@brianboom135

Bj has that laser jab going , he does look a lot better in this fight compared to others of recent #UFCBrazil38:21 AM – May 12, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Brian Kelleher’s other Tweets

Eryk Anders✔@erykanders

Clay need to go ahead and chop the mop. The bald spots aren’t a good look658:22 AM – May 12, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Eryk Anders’s other Tweets

Jessica Eye✔@jessicaevileye

Clay guide reminds me of Montley crew …. #ufc237128:30 AM – May 12, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Jessica Eye’s other Tweets

Terrion Flash Ware@flashmma

Watching BJ fight is like watching Ali passed his prime Hard to watch him take a beating but fuck BJ is tough and I will never tell another person what they should do with their lives if he wants to fight let him find something you love and let it kill you they say…..38:31 AM – May 12, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacySee Terrion Flash Ware’s other Tweets

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Mike Jackson, Esq.✔@TheTruthJackson

I can’t watch anymore… this has to be it, right? Baby Jay has taken too much damage… he’s going to catch the cte. #UFC23728:31 AM – May 12, 2019See Mike Jackson, Esq.’s other TweetsTwitter Ads info and privacy

Max Griffin✔@maxPAINmma

Way to work @clayguida #ufc23728:34 AM – May 12, 2019 · Antelope, CATwitter Ads info and privacySee Max Griffin’s other Tweets

Angela Hill✔@AngieOverkill

Watching Guida’s hair cover BJ’s face and slowly creep closer to his mouth as he inhaled was giving me crazy anxiety. #UFC2371158:34 AM – May 12, 2019 · Maryland, USATwitter Ads info and privacySee Angela Hill’s other Tweets

He has got nothing to lose either. Soldier on soldier! 
Zero concussive KOs on record. Some repetitive blows yes. But zero lights out.
There are fighters with way worse on the clock, way more mental issues, and are paraded to continue. 
People in this game are fools.
Blind sheep.— Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) May 12, 2019

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