March 22, 2025


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By WBCnews

By James Blears

Indelible memories, beautiful music, tears, joy and smiles classified the third anniversary of the passing of the Great Don Jose Sulaiman, at the original  Basilica of Guadalupe, on a bright sunny morning full of hope and happiness, as hundreds upon hundreds  from every corner of the Family of Boxing, came to pay their heartfelt tribute to a truly unforgettable man.

Don Jose is becoming a legend, but it`s a mark of the man and the tremendous impression as well as difference that his life made, that each and everyone attending to honor him,  had their own personal cherished memory of the person we`re all so proud to call Friend.

The Service was done By Bishop Georges M Saad Abiyounes of Nuestra Senora de los Martires Del Libano Church.  He spoke of the memory of a great man, a glory of God, who had opened up so many possibilities for young and upcoming people, as an example to us all, via a path of peace, significance  true and lasting meaning.

Artist Andres Estrada Lucero from Salamanca, Guanajuato presented Don Jose`s Widow Dona Martha with a sculpture in bronze of Don Jose.  The bright sunshine from the doors of the Cathedral thrown open, caught its hairline with a beam of sunshine, contrasting with the more subdued light of the interior, lit by huge candles.  In the forefront a photograph of a smiling Don Jose, and propped up against it a Famous and prestigious green and gold belt, which he made so famous.  Sober suits, black ties,  the occasional splash of color from a gaudy scarf, and the soft scent of ladies` perfume, combined to make this occasion bittersweet.

Tears with emotions welling,  as the choir gave magnificent renditions of Ave Maria, by Franz Schubert , Jesue of Joy of Man`s Desiring by Johann Sebastian Bach and The Hallelujah Chorus of George Fredric Handel`s Messiah.

The legacy of any man is the adoring love of his family and their own tributes to him.

Fernando Sulaiman : “His humanity.  He was a great human being, he was always open to anyone who came to him at any time.

Claudia Sulaiman: “He was so sensitive and caring with everyone.  My Father always thought of everyone, whatever.  He thought and paid attention to every little thing, so that was it!”

Hector Sulaiman:  “He was more than a man. He never thought of himself. He cared for the boxers and  the people.  His life was always to serve. What made him remarkable was that he not only said it, he always did it!  From when he was a very young kid, he spent his entire life helping people. I think Boxing is before Jose and after Jose, so that is what he left for us.”

Lucy Sulaiman: “So very many things. You can`t describe it in just one word. He was everything GOOD in life. He was humble, sweet, very thoughtful and just wonderful, loving, understanding. The brightest part of him was his heart. He was all heart. I so love my Daddy!”

Grandaughter Monica Sulaiman:  “I love my Grandfather. He was a great person, who always had many friends, helped many people.  He was a great part of our Family and right now we are with him.”

Mauricio Sulaiman:  ” I remember my Father`s humble way of being, his desire to be of service, twenty four seven any day of any year. He loved people and boxers. They were his family.”

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