March 21, 2025


THE World Boxing Association (WBA) Asia Boxing Association has ordered for a rematch between newly-crowned Asia flyweight champion Yutthana “Stamp Kiatniwat” Kaenza of Thailand and Michael Enriquez of the Philippines following the result of an investigation on their controversial championship fight held last June 29 in Bangkok.
WBA Asia’s Won Kim informed Enriquez’s manager Jim Claude Manangquil, Chief Executive Officer of the Sanman Boxing Promotions that they decided to give a rematch order within 180 days after they found out that the timekeeper’s action had violated the general rules and regulations of WBA.
The Thailand Boxing Commission confirmed to the WBA Asia that the assigned timekeeper had ended the bell before the completion of the three minutes in the 7th round.
TBC also took a disciplinary action on the timekeeper.
WBA Asia made the immediate action and requested the TBC to investigate after receiving a formal request from Mananquil.
Mananquil’s request was followed up personally by Games and Amusements Board (GAB) Chairman Abraham Kahlil Mitra and Commissioners Edward Trinidad and Fritz Gaston in Bangkok, Thailand last Friday.
They were also accompanied by Naris Singwancha, president of the Professional Boxing Association of Thailand.
“Sir Naris was very instrumental in coaxing the promoter (Galaxy) to promote again the fight in Thailand,” said Mitra.
The final date and exact venue will still be announced later.

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