March 18, 2025

Knowing the score


Scoring fights as a Judge remains one of the most controversial areas of Boxing and the WBC is examining the issue with due care and scrutiny at its 56th Convention, which is this year in Kiev, Ukraine.

Duane Ford, who’s been with the WBC since 1978, shows the assembled the film of a round between two fighters. The scores of surveyed Judges, appreciably varied. Duane says that Judges can be taken off guard and the first four rounds of a fight can prove a scoring land mine.

Yet in the recent GGG Vs Canelo rematch, the scores of those Judges over the first four rounds was the same. Knowing the magnitude of this fight, they were ready and prepared.

It’s necessary to to appreciate that pressure forces Judges to be prepared for this sort of action. Yet there are all levels of abilities.

One key is to eliminate all distractions . In preparations make sure everything is taken care of at home. Clean up the procedure of your mind. Avoid social media distractions prior to the fight. Duane describes this particular distraction as: “A pink elephant.” And not to be exposed to its subliminal messages.

Also to avoid giving bonus rounds, while remaining totally individually focused. Duane says of Judges : “Some are afraid to swim to far from the shore.”

Duane is urging a revision of the Code of ethics. It should include clauses like…no official should solicit to a promoter or manager about being covering a fight. No official should solicit a fight assignment.

Duane stresses: “We have to be better officials and referees. When we make the WBC better, we make Boxing better. Prepare harder! A better person will become a better official.

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